Monday, April 30, 2018

another old, old poem


in the post-rain neighborhood gloom
local cats dart
into unseen seams between yards
where space folds onto itself
darting dark to dark on my walk back
from the packie

i remember a dream
from years ago
where all the women
I have ever loved
are falling softly
down onto me like petals,
as if they all
from one source,

it has become darker since I set out

the streets narrow and widen
without warning they turn violent turns
without yield
almost squirming

i'm lost
this isn't where i live
or what I want
there is no road-map
for a can of worms
but at least
there is the dark

i feel my keys
in my front pocket
across the street
another cat
in the dark looking
not at me
but my front door

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